Le Gastronomie de Sidney have le cocine de tot le munde

Jeremy Newman

Sydney have un much varied gastronomie por rason de le cocine de tot le munde en much de le restaurants de le citie. Inter su plates se pove encontrer pescado et mariscos como langostes, cangrejos, centollos et un rich varietie de mariscos como prawns, yabbies, especie de langostines de dulce aqua.
     Sydney has a very varied cuisine thanks to the whole world´s cooking in many of the city´s restaurants. Among its dishes we can find fishes and seafood as locusts, crayfishes, spider crab and a lot of seafood as shrimps or yabbies, a kind of shrimp from fresh water.

     Sydney have un much varied gastronomie por rason de le cocine de tot le munde en much de le restaurants de le citie. Inter su plates se pove encontrer pescado et mariscos como langostes, cangrejos, centollos et un rich varietie de mariscos como prawns, yabbies, especie de langostines de dulce aqua.

Tot le cocine de le munde sta in Sidney

Un pastel represente a le postree

 En le carnes se pove encontrer kangaru, crocodile, or emu et otre plus tradicional carnes como cordero or ternera, con les que se face le pastel de carne. Como noveltie, en alguns restaurants le cliente pove electer su menu con un portatil iPad que mostre tot le range de le cocine, inclured fotografies de le plates.
     Le deserte or postre es represented per un pastel nomined Pavlova, faced con merengue, creme et fruites como mango, pina et papaya. Equalment se pove comer much fresh fruite como kiwi, pina, banana, papaya, melon…


      The Gastronomy of Sydney
Sydney has a very varied cuisine thanks to the whole world´s cooking in many of the city´s restaurants. Among its dishes we can find fishes and seafood as locusts, crayfishes, spider crab and a lot of seafood as shrimps or yabbies, a kind of shrimp from fresh water. Talking about meats we can find kangaroo, crocodile, or emu meats and some other more traditional meats as lamb or veal; meat cake is prepared with these ones.

 Banana, papaya, melon…

     As a novelty, in some restaurants, the customer can choose its menu by a portable iPad that shows all the cuisine range, including dishes photographs. The dessert is represented by a cake called Pavlova, made with meringue, cream and fruits as mango, pineapple and papaya. Moreover we can eat a lot of fresh fruit as kiwi, pineapple, banana, papaya, melon…

Fresh fruit as kiwi et pineaple